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The Arab Image Foundation is open in Kantari from Monday to Saturday 10am to 5 pm.

In difficult times like these, we need more spaces to gather.

Come by, use the space to gather, see what projects we are working on, and have a coffee in our kitchen. Look through the photographic collections on our database, and browse through our common library, bringing together collections of books and publications from Dawawine, Archive Books, and the Arab Image Foundation in an expanded library and study area. The space is open Monday to Saturday, and with free Wifi. We will be in touch soon as we launch our programmes for the new location.

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We want to thank the team who has worked tirelessly over the months moving the entirety of the Foundation, accumulated over 25 years and somehow fitting in a Gemmayzeh apartment, to the new location in Aresco Center. Transforming the space to house our offices, our labs, and our gathering and project spaces was done with the immense efforts of the AIF board and members, previous team members, interns, friends of the Foundation, and an incredible team of architects, construction workers, painters, electricians, plumbers, and engineers.

This move, including the new cool and cold storage rooms, the common public library, the auditorium and project space have been funded with the generous support of the Arab Fund for Arts and Culture, the Culture Resource, the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Lebanon, the Getty Institute, and AFCP.

Photo credits: Christopher Baaklini, Arab Image Foundation

Find us at our new address:

Arab Image Foundation
Aresco Center, Justinien St.
Kantari, Beirut
T: +9611355994